Furs, & Feathers, & Scales!


Don't you wish you knew what they were saying and feeling?

I have been talking to and connecting with animals since childhood. In addition to dogs, horses, and cats, I have worked with snakes, birds, raccoons, bunnies, rats, bears, and exotics. I enhanced my natural skills with years of study in animal behavior, animal health and nutrition, and animal behavioral psychology. Learn how to take better care of your animals using your intuition and energy as well as tools for species appropriate love and care.

Remember that just because you love your animal doesn't mean you are providing care or an environment appropriate to the species. 

Schedule A Communication Session with your Pet

Readings for and about your beloved animals can be done via phone, Skype, or in person. However, behavioral relearning needs to be done on-site and in person. You can also arrange a group meeting for behavioral teachings to help rehabilitate an animal and to teach owners and caregivers better skills. An appointment is strictly required for all sessions, and recording is allowed. 

Cost: $90 for 30 min or $180 for 1 hour


Life Path Healings Wildlife Rescue

In addition to "rescuing and rehabilitating” people, I also help with rescuing and rehabilitating and releasing raptors. I have only been doing this for a few years and am learning so much!  I currently am a licensed substation under a local licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Raptors examined, given medicines as needed, sometimes bandaged and splinted, and encouraged to fly again (or for the first time if they are babies). This is a volunteer position and I do all the work, cleaning, building and repairing cages, often driving to pick up and driving again to release the birds, and pays all costs from her own earned income. Hence the need for fundraising, especially food, as birds of prey are carnivores and "meat" is very expensive.

My personal pets are also all rescues.

Donations for food (baby formulas, rats, mice, etc.), cage repairs, medicine and medical supplies, etc. are gratefully accepted.  



Zelle - please use the phone number (818) 439-9929