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Dr. Marie is a naturally gifted clairvoyant, psychic, catalytic energy healer, and an animal communicator that began her spiritual journey in her 20's and has diligently trained over a span of 50 years in many mystical fields including shamanism, complementary medicines, energy healing, remote healing, animal communication, and more.
She has studied with a variety of Teachers from different traditions ranging from Medicine People of the First Nation tribes, to remote healers from Asia, and many in between. Much of these sacred teachings are selectively handed down by each Teacher in a non-commercially available way. She is endorsed by her main Teacher, Wong Loh Sin See and Leong Tan, with whom she has spent 38 years as an initiated student. Dr. Marie also combines her many years of wisdom with a Ph.D. in health psychology and behavioral medicine for a fully balanced approach.


Dr. Marie works primarily as a Teacher at her meditation studio Life Path Healings, but also as a life coach, energy worker, and psycho-educator using holistic mind-body-spirit methodologies, and horse-assisted sessions. Her lifelong commitment to the mystical arts enables her to provide a wealth of powerful tools for recovery, addressing issues such as CPTSD, codependency, cult and coercive control, dysfunctional family systems, attachment disorders, and mental health problems linked to poor diet and exposure to food and environmental toxins.

Through private sessions, Dr. Marie’s predictive readings will help you navigate your Life Path and equip you with tools for upcoming challenges. Her readings are detailed and tailored to each individual's Life Path and Soul Evolution



Life Path Healings is an Eastern-based Taoist practice. It is not New Age. The practice is primarily silent meditation. You will learn how to cultivate the Self, work with personal shortcomings, and live more from the perspective of your Higher Self. The classes and workshops offered will teach you how to build a strong, balanced, energetic, and Spiritual core. 


Through silent meditation, students learn to connect to and receive Guidance via their own personal connection to a Higher Power, to Source. Dr. Marie has a naturally strong catalytic energy field and sitting in her circle will accelerate and enhance your ability to feel energies and work them in a more expansive manner.


Unlike toxic practices of the new age industry, Dr. Marie uses a more empowering approach to teaching that helps you develop skills to cultivate your own Path rather than constantly relying on other people for guidance. Her Spiritual Practice is available and suitable for people of any background or belief system.



Life Path Healings is an Eastern-based Taoist practice. It is not New Age. The practice is primarily silent meditation.  Dr. Marie has a naturally strong catalytic energy field and has been a clairvoyant (and so much more) since childhood.  Not just relying on raw talent, she has cultivated and expanded her natural strengths and gifts with decades of personal practice. Sitting in her circle will accelerate and enhance your ability to feel energies and work them in a more expansive manner than ever before. 


Classes at Life Path Healings offer a supportive community for you to connect, learn, and share with like-minded people. At Life Path Healings, you will be able to:



  • Go deep inside your Self to forge a deep and powerful relationship with your Higher Self

  • Learn to be your own champion, your own best friend

  • Use healing energies for yourself and others

  • Deeply develop intuitive and psychic skills

  • Connect with pets, animals, and Nature Spirits 

  • Practice other mystical arts taught only by oral traditions, handed down from her Teachers

On-going Personal Intensive Work with Dr. Marie

There is no real way to explain in words what it is like to work with Dr. Marie on an ongoing basis. A one-session Reading gives you a road map, but not the tools to traverse the trail ahead of you. A one-session Healing will address a current condition or issue but not the root cause, the source of what is producing the conditions that are making you sick or depressed, or anxious etc...


Ongoing work, whether individually scheduled sessions or monthly work offers a combination of unique energy work, life coaching strategies, psychology tools, spiritual soul readings that are psychic/channeled and clairvoyant, shamanic journeying, and more.


There is no standardized marketable method here at Life Path Healings. Dr. Marie brings 40 years of experience, tools, and training (with Teachers, medicine people, shamans, remote healers, and more) into her work and each individual is approached that way...... as an individual.


Dr. Marie works on herself, and has since she was 17 years old, has sought out formal education and continues an ongoing personal spiritual practice of meditation and self-reflection. In other words, she walks her talk.


If you have any questions you are welcome to call and have a preliminary conversation with Dr. Marie to get more information and to also "feel out" if she is someone you would like to work with on an ongoing basis in order to grow and learn, or to get "back on track."

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